Community-Centered Integrative Practice (CCIP)
The mission of the CCIP specialization is to prepare students to be partners and leaders in transformative social work practice. We use participatory methods of dialogic engagement and community centered-ness to engage students in just social work practice that is inclusive and culturally responsive across micro-, meso- and macro-levels of practice. Through teaching, research, scholarship and practice, CCIP equips students with requisite knowledge, skills and values to work as change agents in an integrative, collaborative, and comprehensive manner across local-global contexts to promote just practice embedded in relationships, service delivery, and societal change. Some salient skills embedded in the CCIP specialization include:
(a) intergroup dialogue and social justice group work,
(b) constructive engagement of difference, conflict, oppression and inequality,
(c) just policy analysis and advocacy,
(d) community planning, partnership and organizing,
(e) theory of change models and grant writing,
(f) mental health assessment and practice skills to promote well-being within diverse and marginalized communities; and
(g) practice skills to address the traumatic effects of violence at individual and community levels. CCIP students must take a Policy/Services course and 2 Methods courses.
Faculty Contacts
Required Policy/Services Course
527 – Global and Local Inequalities: Policy/Services: Discussion of economic and cultural globalization, the enduring legacies of imperialism and colonialism in this global era, and their local impacts and the health of the planet. Foci include immigration and refugee policies and international agreements.
Required Core Methods Courses
569 – Community-Centered Integrative Practice: Focuses on theories and skills in culturally responsive ways of approaching, engaging, and empowering diverse communities respective of their identities, indigenous wisdom, values and histories.
534 – Praxis of Intergroup Dialogue: Students design, plan, implement, and evaluate intergroup dialogue sessions as peer facilitators. Students facilitate intergroup dialogue in conjunction with SOC W 504. Focuses on intensive in-vivo instruction, consultation, and supervision of facilitators.
Recommended Electives
- 584 – Multicultural Mental Health (CCIP Students will have priority for this course.)
- 582 – Interpersonal Violence and Trauma
- 570 – Anti-racist Organizing for Social and Economic change
- 537 – Critical Empowerment Practice with Multi-ethnic Communities: Immigrants & Refugees
- 538 – Critical Empowerment Practice with Multi-ethnic Communities: Youth & Families
Potential Practicum Site Examples
- Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS)
- Chief Seattle Club
- City of Seattle: Race & Social Justice Initiative
- Communities in Schools
- Community Alliance for Global Justice
- Consejo Counseling and Referral Services
- Counseling Center for Sexual Minorities
- Children’s Hospital
- Edmonds School District (Latina Outreach)
- Interim/IDHA
- Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center
- Lutheran Community Services NW
- Organization for Prostitution Survivors
- Tenants Union of Washington State
- Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Economic Justice Project
- Youth Eastside Services
Core Specialization Faculty
Norma Timbang, Abril Harris, Carrie Lanza, Giselle Carcarmo, Gino Aisenberg, Scott Winn, Jane Lee, and Khalfani Mwamba, Sonia Duckworth & Stan De Mello (Field Education)