Methods/Data Analysis Courses
Requirement: Complete a minimum of three methods courses. At least two courses must be numerically graded with a minimum grade of 3.0 and at least one course must be *qualitative or mixed methods content.
Definition: Methods Courses explain how something is done. The Oxford Dictionary defines a method as ‘A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something.’
Notes: 1) This list is not inclusive. If the course you want to take is not listed, please check with the PhD Assistant Director before enrolling and 2) CS&SS and EDPSY are typically methods courses.
BH 527* – Research Methods in Bioethics (3)
Introduces the range of methods available for conducting research in bioethics, including both normative and empirical approaches using quantitative and qualitative methods. Students formulate research questions and explore how the application of these approaches generates different research results and products. Offered: Sp.
BH 548 – Methods in Clinical Ethics (3)
Introduces the history, practice, and research methods in clinical ethics. Case-based examination of methods including principalism, casuistry, narrative methods, virtue ethics. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: A.
BH 552* – Advanced Qualitative Methods (4)
Examines and compares phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded theory. Reviews the history of ideas and critically reads examples of published articles to appreciate how each method frames questions and produces different analyses.
CS&SS 526 – Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences (3)
Structural equation models for the social sciences, including specification, estimation, and testing. Topics include path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, linear models with latent variables, MIMIC models, non-recursive models, models for nested data. Emphasizes applications to substantive problems in the social sciences. Prerequisite: SOC 504, SOC 505, SOC 506 or equivalent; recommended: either CS&SS 505 and CS&SS 506, or equivalent. Offered: jointly with SOC 529.
CS&SS 569 – Visualizing Data (4)
Explores techniques for visualizing social science data to complement graduate training methods. Emphasis on principles and perception of visualization, novel exploration and presentation of data and statistical models, and implementation of recommended techniques in statistics packages. Prerequisite: SOC 504, SOC 505, and SOC 506; recommended: CS&SS 505 and CS&SS 506.
EDPSYC 490 – Basic Educational Statistics (3)
Measures of central tendency and variability, point and interval estimation, linear correlation, hypothesis testing. Offered: AWSpS.
EDPSYC 575 – Structural Equation Modeling (3)
Theory and data analysis using linear structural equation models. Application to data in educational research. Prerequisite: EDPSY 594 or equivalent.
EDPSYC 576 – Hierarchical Linear Models (3)
Theory and data analysis for research models where random factors are nested, such as multi-level data, growth curve analysis, and meta-analysis. Prerequisite: EDPSY 593 or equivalent
EDPSYC 588 – Survey Research Methodology and Theory (3)
Survey research, research, theory, and methodology. Probability theory, sampling, human subjects considerations, instrumentation, and analysis techniques. Review and critique by students of theoretical issues in survey research and development of a survey instrument. Prerequisite: EDPSY 490 or equivalent. Offered: W.
EDPSYC 594 – Advanced Correlational Techniques (5)
Multivariate analysis, including regression and multiple correlation; matrix algebra; factor analysis.
Prerequisite: EDPSY 490 or equivalent. Offered: Sp.
PBSCI 546 – Psychiatric Epidemiology (3)
Applies epidemiological methods to the study of mental illnesses. Topics include occurrence and distribution of mental illness, classification of psychiatric disorders; treatment-based vs. community- based studies; epidemiology of depression and schizophrenia; familial transmission; developmental epidemiology; mental illness and violence. Prerequisite: either EPI 511, EPI 512, HSERV 591, or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI 546; Sp.
Soc Wl 585* – Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research I (3)
The first in a two-quarter sequence offering intensive experience in the theory and application of qualitative and ethnographic research methods. Prepares students for conducting qualitative studies and for combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Focuses on applications especially relevant to social welfare.
Soc Wl 586* – Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research II (3)
The second in a two-quarter sequence offering intensive experience in the theory and application of qualitative and ethnographic research methods. Prepares students for conducting qualitative studies and for combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Focuses on applications especially relevant to social welfare.
Soc Wl 589 – Multivariate Data Analysis for the Social Sciences (4, max. 8)
Provides social scientists with an introduction to multivariate analysis techniques and the knowledge to carry them out. Focuses on statistical methods that explore relationships between observed variables. Topics include principal components, cluster, factor, latent class analysis. Prerequisite: SOC WL 587, SOC WL 588, or equivalent. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 589; A.
Soc Wl 590 – Topics in Advanced Research Methods (3)
Special topics in social and behavioral research design for advanced graduate students. Topics vary and
focus on community-based research methods and measurement construction for culturally diverse populations. Prerequisite: doctoral student in social welfare or related discipline; advanced master’s level students by permission of instructor.