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PhD Alumni

Welcome to our PhD alumni page with career updates and information of our distinguished graduates. In many cases, there are links to more extensive profiles or information on specific dissertations.

Martha J Aby

Compliance Special Initiatives Supervisor
Washington State Health Care Authority

Dissertation: Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Levels of Implementation: An Examination of Minnesota’s Cultural and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure Grant Program (2019).  Supervisory Chair: Amelia Gavin.


Richard Anderson

Dissertation: Premature Termination of Day Treatment: A Comparative Study of the Outcome of Chronic Mental Patients Who Drop Out (1983). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.


David F. Arguello

Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Minority and Nonminority Executives in New Mexico Human Service Organizations (1988). Supervisory Chair: Rino Patti.


Tyler M. Arguello

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, California State University, Sacramento, CA
Dissertation: Contagious Communication: The Mediatization, Spatialization, and Commercialization of “HIV” (2008). Supervisory Chair: Anthony H. Ishisaka.


Cecilia AyÛn

Professor of Public Policy, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA

Dissertation: Integrating the Lived Experiences of Mexican Families in the Delivery of Public Child Welfare Services (2008). Supervisory Chair: Eugene Aisenberg.


Karen Bancroft


Dissertation: Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorder Among Incarcerated Women (1994). Supervisory Chair: Edwina Uehara.


Howard Ian Bath

Dissertation: Intensive Family Preservation Services with Maltreated Children: An Investigation of Sub-type Differences (1992). Supervisory Chair: James Whittaker.


Lynn Carol Behar

Dissertation: Getting Through It Alone: A Descriptive Study Of The Experiences Of Single Mothers With Breast Cancer And Adolescent Children (1999). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.


Michelle Bell

Associate Professor Emerita, University of Washington School of Public Health, Seattle, WA
Dissertation: Exploring the Use of Information by Legislative and Administrative Decision-Makers in the State of Washington (1984). Supervisory Chair: Richard Elmore.


Ramona Beltran

Associate Professor, University of Denver School of Social Work, Denver, CO
Dissertation: Bark Made Rope, Roots Made Baskets (2010). Supervisory Chair: Karina Walters.


Raymond L. Bending

Professor/Chair of Social Work (Retired), Heritage College, Topenish, WA
Dissertation: An Evaluation of an Indian Child Welfare Training Program for Tribal and State Providers (1992). Supervisory Chair: Judy Kopp.


Odessa Gonzalez Benson

Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI
Dissertation: Refugee Driven and Policy-Driven Resettlement: Examining Resettlement Geographies and Service Provision of Refugee Community Organizations (2017). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.


Sharon Berlin

Professor, Emerita, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Effects of Cognitive-Behavior Modification Treatment on Problems of Inappropriate Self-Criticism Among Women (1978). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.


Mick Beyers

Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Social Work (SSW) & Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Tucson, AZ
Dissertation: Ideology made flesh: A study of revolutionary praxis among Irish Republican Army volunteers (2007). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.


Rupaleem Bhuyan

Associate Professor, & PhD Program Director, University of Toronto School of Social Work, Toronto, Canada.
Dissertation: Disciplining Through the Promise of “Freedom”: The Production of the Battered Immigrant Woman in Public Policy and Domestic Violence Advocacy (2006). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.


Asia Sarah Bishop

Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma, School of Social Work and Criminal Justice, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Understanding the Service Needs of Gang-Involved Youth: Social Identity and Ecological Influences on Health Decision-Making (2021). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.


Shannon Blajeski

Assistant Professor, Portland State University, School of Social Work, Portland, OR.
Dissertation: On the Cusp: First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) and Employment (2019). Supervisory Chair: Gunnar Almgren.


Betty Blythe

Professor Emerita, Boston College School of Social Work, Boston, MA.
Dissertation: An Examination of Practice Evaluation Among Social Workers (1983). Supervisory Chair: Scott Briar.


Robin Bonifas

Associate Professor/Associate Director for Curriculum & Instruction, Arizona State University School of Social Work, Tempe, AZ.
Dissertation: Multi-Level Factors Related to Deficiencies in Psychosocial Care in Washington State Skilled Nursing Facilities (2007). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.


Sharon Borja

Assistant Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Houston, TX.
Dissertation: Longitudinal Implications of Intergenerational Adversity on the Parental Capacities of Latina and African-American Mothers and Their Children’s Wellbeing (2017). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.


Tracy Nicole Brazg

Affiliate Instructor, University of Washington School of Nursing & Health Studies.
Dissertation: The (Inter)Professional Identity of Hospital Social Workers: Integration and Operationalization of Profession-Specific Knowledge, Skills, and Values with Boundary-Spanning Competencies (2018). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.


Brenda Jean Bryson

Professor, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Dissertation: The Experiences of African American Women in Feminist Domestic Violence Organizations (1998). Supervisory Chair: Sue Sohng.


Tracey Burke

Professor, University of Alaska, School of Social Work, Juneau, AK.
Dissertation: Social Services in Rural Alaska: An Ethnography of Service provision in a Yup’ik Eskimo Village (2003). Supervisory Chair: Susan Kemp.


David Lawson Burton

Dissertation: Cognitive Factors in Sexually Aggressive Children (1996). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.


Sandra Sue Butler

Professor and Director, University of Maine Social Work Program, Orono, ME.
Dissertation: Perspectives on the Lives and Service Needs of Homeless Middle-aged Women (1991). Supervisory Chair: Naomi Gottlieb.


Christopher Cambron

Assistant Professor & PhD Researcher, University of Utah College of Social Work, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dissertation: An Examination of Neighborhood Contexts and Substance Use Across the Life Course (2017). Supervisory Chair: Richard Catalano.


Shauna Carlisle

Associate Professor and Director, Master of Arts in Policy Studies, University of Washington, Bothell, WA.
Dissertation: From Healthy to Unhealthy: Disaggregating the Relationship Between Perceived Discrimination, Chronic Stress, and Chronic Health Conditions (2010). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.


Erin Casey

Professor and MSW Program Chair & Graduate Program Coordinator, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Dissertation: Sexual Assault Perpetration among Adolescent and Adult Males: Ecological Approaches to Conceptualizing the Etiology and Prevention of Rape (2006). Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.


Mythu Chiem

Owner, Lakewood Yoga, Lakewood, WA.
Dissertation: Immigration, Aging and Life Satisfaction Among Older Vietnamese Refugees: A Resilience Perspective (2007). Supervisory Chair: Anthony Ishisaka.


Yu-Ling Chang

Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare, Berkely CA.
Dissertation: State Social Net Programs and the Great Recession: The First Line of Defense and the Last Resort for the Economically Disadvantaged (2016). Supervisory Chair: Marcia Meyers.


Yoonsun Choi

Professor/Chair PhD Program, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Dissertation: Risk and Protective Factors of Problem Behaviors Among Ethnic Minority Adolescents (2001). Supervisory Chair: Tracy Harachi.


Youngjun Choi

Director of Population, Pro-natal, Sexual & Reproductive Health Division at the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea & CSDE Research Affiliate
Dissertation: It Does Matter for Us, Too: Implications of Digital Divide among Older Americans (2021). Supervisory Chair: Karen Fredriksen Goldsen


Ick-Joong Chung

Professor, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
Dissertation: Developmental Trajectories of Offending among Poor and Non-poor Children (2000). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.


Diane Civic

Senior Medical Policy Analyst Sr., Office of Medical Policy and Technology Assessment, Anthem, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.
Dissertation: The Association Between Characteristics of Dating Relationships and Condom Use Among Heterosexual Young Adults (1997). Supervisory Chair: Mary Gillmore.


Marie-Celeste Condon

Infant and Early Childhood Clinician at Stroum Jewish Community Center, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Participatory Action Research in a Prison Nursery (2011). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.


Anna Constantino-Pettit

Postdoctoral Research Associate at Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
Dissertation: Childhood Adversity Among Adolescent Mothers and its Intergenerational Consequences. Supervisory Chair: David Takeuchi.


Jon Robert Conte

Professor Emeritus, University of Washington. Seattle, WA.

Dissertation: An Experimental Examination of Differential Reactivity of Human Subjects to Observation by Video Camera and Human Observation (1979). Supervisory Chair: Trova Hutchins.


Carol Jane Crimi

Dissertation: The Use of Interpersonal Skills Training to Enhance Social Support Among Parents Who Are Mentally Retarded and At Risk For Child Maltreatment: A Feasibility Study (1995). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.


Meg Cristofalo

Assistant Professor, Social Work Program, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Weaving Strengths and Vulnerabilities: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Core Safety Net Settings (2014). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Grote.


Thomas Crofoot

Professor Emeritus, Eastern Washington University School of Social Work and Human Services., Cheney, WA.
Dissertation: Effects of Alcohol on Women’s Ability to Perceive and Respond to Sexual Aggression (1996). Supervisory Chair: Paula Nurius.


Henry Joel CrumÈ

Dissertation: The Benefits of Trauma-Informed Social and Emotional Learning Curricula Among Court-Involved Students Living in Congregate Settings (2022). Supervisory Chair: Angelique Day.


Jill Crowell

Dissertation: Implementing a State-Wide Management Information System in Mental Health Centers: An Evaluation Study of Organizational Change (1982). Supervisory Chair: Michael Austin.


Gaynel Ruth Davis

Dissertation: Developmental Patterns of Stress and Coping: Middle Age and Older Adulthood (1985). Supervisory Chair: Nancy Hooyman.


Thomas D. Davis

Professor, School of Social Work, California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA.
Dissertation: Predicting Clinical Practice Guideline Utilization Among Chemical Dependency Professionals (2001). Supervisory Chair: Jean Kruzich.


Amelia Seraphia Derr

Director, Bachelor of Social Work Program, Associate Professor, Director, Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Mental Health Service Utilization among Immigrants in the United States (2014). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.


Kathryn Ann DeLois

Retired, School of Social Work, University of New England, Portland, ME.

Dissertation: How Women Come to Identify as Lesbian: A Grounded Theory (1993). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne Gilchrist.


Nancy S. Dickinson

Clinical Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.

Dissertation: Contributions to the Employment of AFDC Recipients: An Experimental Comparison of Work Experience and Job Search Assistance Strategies (1986). Supervisory Chair: Ronald Dear.


Lynne S. Dodson

Workforce Development Coordinator, United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Seattle, WA.
Dissertation: Implementation Analysis of the Washington State Family Independence Program (FIP) and the Family Support Act (FSA) Transitional Child and Medical Benefits (1995). Supervisory Chair: Richard Weatherley.


Danae Dotolo

Associate Teaching Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.

Dissertation: It’s Always in the Back of Your Mind: LGBTQ Partners’ Experiences of Discrimination in Healthcare for Serious Illnesses (2017). Supervisory Chair: Taryn Lindhorst.


Andrea Marie Doyle

Assistant Professor, West Virginia University Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Morgantown, WV.
Dissertation: Rhythms of Clinical Process. M (2008). Supervisory Chair: Lewayne D. Gilchrist.