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Espelage DL, Low S, Polanin JR, Brown EC.  2013.  The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression, victimization, and sexual violence.. J Adolesc Health. 53(2):180-6.
Evans-Whipp TJ, Plenty SM, Catalano RF, Herrenkohl TI, Toumbourou JW.  2013.  The impact of school alcohol policy on student drinking.. Health Educ Res. 28(4):651-62.
Lee CM, Kilmer JR, Neighbors C, Atkins DC, Zheng C, Walker DD, Larimer ME.  2013.  Indicated prevention for college student marijuana use: a randomized controlled trial.. J Consult Clin Psychol. 81(4):702-9.
Gilmore AK, George WH, Nguyen HV, Heiman JR, Davis KCue, Norris J.  2013.  Influences of situational factors and alcohol expectancies on sexual desire and arousal among heavy-episodic drinking women: acute alcohol intoxication and condom availability.. Arch Sex Behav. 42(6):949-59.
Fredriksen-Goldsen KI, Emlet CA, Kim H-J, Muraco A, Erosheva EA, Goldsen J, Hoy-Ellis CP.  2013.  The physical and mental health of lesbian, gay male, and bisexual (LGB) older adults: the role of key health indicators and risk and protective factors.. Gerontologist. 53(4):664-75.
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Haggerty KP, Skinner ML, McGlynn-Wright A, Catalano RF, Crutchfield RD.  2013.  Parent and peer predictors of violent behavior of Black and White teens.. Violence Vict. 28(1):145-60.
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Evans-Campbell T, Walters KL, Pearson CR, Campbell CD.  2012.  Indian boarding school experience, substance use, and mental health among urban two-spirit American Indian/Alaska natives.. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 38(5):421-7.
Zhang W, Hong S, Takeuchi DT, Mossakowski KN.  2012.  Limited English proficiency and psychological distress among Latinos and Asian Americans.. Soc Sci Med. 75(6):1006-14.
Garcia AR, Pecora PJ, Harachi T, Aisenberg E.  2012.  Institutional predictors of developmental outcomes among racially diverse foster care alumni.. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 82(4):573-84.
Nguyen HV, Koo KH, Davis KCue, Otto JM, Hendershot CS, Schacht RL, George WH, Heiman JR, Norris J.  2012.  Risky sex: interactions among ethnicity, sexual sensation seeking, sexual inhibition, and sexual excitation.. Arch Sex Behav. 41(5):1231-9.
Welsh EM, Jeffery RW, Levy RL, Langer SL, Flood AP, Jaeb MA, Laqua PS.  2012.  Measuring perceived barriers to healthful eating in obese, treatment-seeking adults.. J Nutr Educ Behav. 44(6):507-12.
Lee JO, Kosterman R, McCarty CA, Hill KG, Hawkins JD.  2012.  Can patterns of alcohol use disorder in young adulthood help explain gender differences in depression? Compr Psychiatry. 53(8):1071-7.
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Guttmannova K, Hill KG, Bailey JA, Lee JO, Hartigan LA, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF.  2012.  Examining explanatory mechanisms of the effects of early alcohol use on young adult alcohol dependence.. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 73(3):379-90.
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Bailey JA, Fleming CB, Catalano RF, Haggerty KP, Manhart LE.  2012.  Romantic relationship characteristics and alcohol use: longitudinal associations with dual method contraception use.. J Adolesc Health. 50(5):450-5.
Lee JO, Hill KG, Guttmannova K, Bailey JA, Hartigan LA, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF.  2012.  The effects of general and alcohol-specific peer factors in adolescence on trajectories of alcohol abuse disorder symptoms from 21 to 33 years.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 121(3):213-9.
Larimer ME, Neighbors C, Lostutter TW, Whiteside U, Cronce JM, Kaysen D, Walker DD.  2012.  Brief motivational feedback and cognitive behavioral interventions for prevention of disordered gambling: a randomized clinical trial.. Addiction. 107(6):1148-58.