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Faculty & Staff

How to reserve a room in the SSW building

Room reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis by Administrative Services located on the second-floor mailroom. If a reservation already exists for the room and time you specify, alternatives are suggested. Check with Student Services to locate classrooms for meeting use. If you need assistance with media equipment for your reservation contact SSW Tech.

Rental fees will be assessed to non-School groups, other colleges and schools, and outside organizations. Fees will apply to all rental spaces in the SSW building and are listed below.

Available Rooms

  • Third-Floor Commons: Rooms 305A and 305B each accommodate from 20 to 60 people. Instructions for the use of these rooms are posted in the rooms. Please restore the room to its original set-up when you vacate. These rooms are equipped with multimedia technology and are separated by a removable divider to become one large room. Contact Administrative Services for assistance with the room divider.
  • Third-Floor Breakout Rooms: Rooms 306A and 306B each accommodate from five to 15 people. A removable divider to become one large room separates the rooms. Contact the SSW Administrative Services for assistance with the divider.
  • Room 210F (Dean’s Conference Room): Accommodates 20 to 25 people.
  • First-Floor Gallery: Accomodates 30 to 70 people. Stackable chairs are available for the Gallery.
  • Room 116: Accommodates 14 people
  • Room 236: Accomodates 6 to 8 people
  • Research Commons Room 1 (RC1): Accomodates 1-4 people
  • Research Commons Rooms 2 & 3 (RC 2/3): Rooms RC 2/3 each accomodate about 8 people on each side. A removable divider to become one large room separates the rooms. Contact the SSW Administrative Services for assistance with the divider. When the divider is not in use, this space accomodates 15-20 people.

Please review our conference room disclaimer information before renting.

Note: The UW Registrar (206-543-1080) handles classroom use and scheduling. You may contact Student Services to schedule classrooms for one-time events.

If you do not need the room reservation, please cancel to free up use for others.

Room Rental Pricing









RC 2/3














Campus Groups
(non student/non RSO)











UW Student (RSO affiliated)











SSW affiliated groups











Room rental pricing is by the hour

Definitions of Groups:

  1. Non-UW Groups: Do not have a direct relationship to the University of Washington nor UW School of Social Work. Non-UW groups must have at least one sponsor at the UW.
  2. RSO: ‘Registered Student Association’
  3. SSW Affiliated Groups include:
    • SSW Faculty Staff or Students
    • Washington State Society of Clinical Workers (WSSCSW)
    • NASW
    • Speech and Hearing
    • SEIU Union
    • Students via OSSW
    • Student Advisory Council
    • Student Affinity groups