E-cigarettes Use in Adolescents, Young-Adults, and Adults, and Across Two Generations
Other Names: Funding: National Cancer Institute
Funding: NIH/NCI
Date: 2018
This study uses data from three existing SDRG projects (Seattle Social Development Project, Community Youth Development Study, and The Intergenerational Project) to examine key questions about e-cigarette use among adolescents, young adults, and adults, as well intergenerational transmission of e-cigarette use between parents and children. Recent public health reviews concluded that e-cigarettes represent a new public health concern because of their potential role in introducing previous nonsmokers, especially adolescents and young adults, to nicotine. There is additional concern that the marketing of e-cigarettes as a cessation aid may not be effective for cessation of tobacco use. Aims of the project include (a) examining risk and protective factors for e-cigarettes compared to conventional tobacco cigarettes; (b) testing whether e-cigarette use can lead to initiation of cigarette use among adolescents; (c) testing whether e-cigarette use can lead to a reduction in cigarette use or to complete cessation; and (d) exploring whether parent e-cigarette use poses a risk for children to initiate e-cigarette and other drug use over and above parent cigarette use. Findings from this study will yield viable targets for prevention of cigarette use initiation, as well as implications for policy and regulation of e-cigarettes.