Pacific Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NWPTTC)
Funding: Pacific Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NWPTTC)
Date: 2018
This is an important collaboration between SDRG; Washington State University; Department of Human Development; and the University of Nevada, Reno, Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, to specialize in community-activated prevention and advance the ability of the region’s substance abuse prevention workforce to apply prevention science to identify, select, implement, and evaluate evidence-based interventions to reduce substance misuse. We will accomplish this purpose through achieving six goals:
1) Promote regional/local communication and collaboration to build/maintain effective relationships with key stakeholders;
2) Enhance training and technical assistance (TTA) services to professionals on topics identified through regional workforce needs assessments;
3) Maximize impact and avoid duplication of efforts by collaborating with the PTTC National Coordinating Center, other Regional PTTCs, the Tribal Affairs Center, the Hispanic/Latino Center, and other related Health and Human Services training centers by leveraging expertise, sharing regionally developed resources, and coordinating TTC services;
4) Improve prevention professionals’ knowledge of prevention science and skills by providing a spectrum of innovative TTA events (e.g., web-based sequenced learning and consultation; online and in-person Communities of Practice (CoPs); group or individual telephone consultation; and onsite consultation);
5) Strengthen Region 10’s prevention workforce capacity by: a) training new leaders through leadership development events focused on prevention science, systems integration/practice change, and community activation, and implementing/adopting evidence-based interventions/programs (EBI/Ps); and b) training college/university students in prevention science, public health, social work, and related fields to be proficient in prevention science, ensuring the pipeline of new leaders and prevention professionals is well prepared;
6) Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of PNW PTTC services by collecting Government Performance and Results performance measure data and evaluating improvements in implementation and sustainability of EBI/Ps.