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YouthPower – Making Cents International Evidence and Evaluation

Funding: USAID

Date: 2015 - Present


This initiative, jointly funded by USAID’s Bureau for Global Health (GH) and U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment (E3); and Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA), will provide USAID with expert research and evaluation of youth programming, technical leadership and dissemination of knowledge in the field of positive youth development (PYD).

The Social Development Research Group is part of an impressive team of partners that include the Making Cents International the prime contractor and International Center for Research on Women, Development & Training Services, Results for Development Institute, Khulisa Management Services, Royal Children’s Hospital Academic Centre at the University of Melbourne, Child Protection in Crisis Network at Columbia University, Young Americas Business Trust, and the India-based YP Foundation. The study includes:

  • Develop a YouthPower website to enhance sharing and dissemination of knowledge and lessons learned about PYD and serves as the Learning Hub for cross-sectoral youth development.
  • Develop a cross-sectoral Youth Learning Network and communities of practice that will improve knowledge, skills, practices, and partnerships around PYD
  • Design an indicator reporting system, establish common measures, promote learning, and contribute to a comprehensive PYD framework
  • Produce a global meta-review of PYD literature that expands upon the existing evidence base
  • Provide evidence and evaluation support to USAID Missions and operating units, as needed, through evaluation and research technical assistance