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Indicated prevention for college student marijuana use: a randomized controlled trial.

Author(s): Christine M. Lee; Jason R. Kilmer; Clayton Neighbors; David C. Atkins; Cheng Zheng; Denise D. Walker; Mary E. Larimer

Publication: 2013. "J Consult Clin Psychol" 81, 4 (August): 702-9.

Identifier(s): PubMed ID: 23750464; PMCID: PMC3924720; ISSN: 1939-2117; Citation Key: 7472


Publication type: Journal Article

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OBJECTIVE: Marijuana is the most frequently reported illicit substance used on college campuses. Despite the prevalence, few published intervention studies have focused specifically on addressing high-risk marijuana use on college campuses. The present study evaluated the efficacy of an in-person brief motivational enhancement intervention for reducing marijuana use and related consequences among frequently using college students.

METHOD: Participants included 212 college students from 2 campuses who reported frequent marijuana use (i.e., using marijuana at least 5 times in the past month). Participants completed Web-based screening and baseline assessments and upon completion of the baseline survey were randomized to either an in-person brief intervention or an assessment control group. Follow-up assessments were completed approximately 3 and 6 months post-baseline. Marijuana use was measured by number of days used in the past 30 days, typical number of joints used in a typical week in the last 60 days, and marijuana-related consequences.

RESULTS: Results indicated significant intervention effects on number of joints smoked in a typical week and a trend toward fewer marijuana-related consequences compared with the control group at 3-month follow-up.

CONCLUSION: This study provides preliminary data on short-term effects of a focused marijuana intervention for college students at reducing marijuana use during the academic quarter.