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Racial differences in the prevalence of antenatal depression.

Author(s): Amelia R. Gavin; Jennifer L. Melville; Tessa Rue; Yuqing Guo; Karen Tabb Dina; Wayne J. Katon

Publication: 2011. "Gen Hosp Psychiatry" 33, 2 (March-April): 87-93.

Identifier(s): PubMed ID: 21596200; PMCID: PMC3880676; ISSN: 1873-7714; Citation Key: 7595


Publication type: Journal Article

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OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether there were racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of antenatal depression based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, diagnostic criteria in a community-based sample of pregnant women.

METHOD: Data were drawn from an ongoing registry of pregnant women receiving prenatal care at a university obstetric clinic from January 2004 through March 2010 (N =1997). Logistic regression models adjusting for sociodemographic, psychiatric, behavioral and clinical characteristics were used to examine racial/ethnic differences in antenatal depression as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire.

RESULTS: Overall, 5.1% of the sample reported antenatal depression. Blacks and Asian/Pacific Islanders were at increased risk for antenatal depression compared to non-Hispanic White women. This increased risk of antenatal depression among Blacks and Asian/Pacific Islanders remained after adjustment for a variety of risk factors.

CONCLUSION: Results suggest the importance of race/ethnicity as a risk factor for antenatal depression. Prevention and treatment strategies geared toward the mental health needs of Black and Asian/Pacific Islander women are needed to reduce the racial/ethnic disparities in antenatal depression.