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Systematic literature review of foster and adoptive caregiver factors for increasing placement stability and permanency

Author(s): Lori A. Vanderwill, Amy M. Salazar, Garrett Jenkins, Jessica De Larwelle, Amanda K. McMahon, Angelique Day, & Kevin Haggerty

Publication: 2021. "Journal of Public Child Welfare" 15, 4: 487-527.

Identifier(s): Citation Key: 10406


Publication type: Journal Article

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Placement stability and permanency are key goals for children in foster and adoptive care. This study is a systematic review of the scholarly literature to better understand caregiver-related factors (e.g., characteristics, proficiencies) that contribute to permanency and placement stability, in order to provide a stronger foundation for developing and improving caregiver recruitment and training procedures. Our review of 29 qualifying scholarly articles revealed 16 caregiver-related factors associated with permanency and/or placement stability. This knowledge can assist in selecting resource families and guiding training development to increase caregiver proficiency in caring for foster and adoptive children.