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Tessa Evans-Campbell



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Professional interests

  • Child welfare
  • Child neglect and American Indian families
  • Mental health
  • Historical trauma and multicultural research and practice

Tessa Evans-Campbell

Charles O. Cressey Endowed Associate Prof.

PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Associate Professor Tessa Evans-Campbell serves as the School’s associate dean for academic affairs. She completed her BA in art history at the University of Washington and her MSW at the University of California Los Angeles. Her research interests focus on historical trauma, resistance and healing; cultural buffers of trauma; substance use and mental health; and indigenous family wellness. She is the former director of the School’s MSW program.

Dr. Evans-Campbell began her social work career more than 15 years ago as a children’s social worker in Los Angeles County. She has extensive practice experience in Indian child welfare, adoptions, and community advocacy/organizing with American Indian communities. She served as a commissioner for the Los Angeles County Native American Indian Commission and was the American Indian community representative to the Los Angeles County Children’s Planning Council. Her research interests stem from her practice and personal experiences as a Washington state tribal member. She now has the unique opportunity to blend her passion for clinical social work practice in health, with research.

Dr. Evans-Campbell is also the associate director of the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute. She belongs to the Society for Social Work and Research, the National Associate of Social Workers, and the Council for Social Work Education. She sits on the Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee and serves on a number of boards and committees related to Native American family wellness.