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Student Life

Make the most of your Husky Experience

The School of Social Work is committed to helping all students reach their personal, academic and career goals. We offer our students numerous services and opportunities for growth including advising, writing assistance, and career resources. We strongly believe in building community and hands-on learning to prepare students for challenging academic and professional work. 

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Outdoor photo of UW campus
Find out why U.S. News & World Report ranked us No. 2 among more than 220 advanced social work degree programs in its Best Graduate Schools 2023.

Read Our Viewbook

Student Groups

A group photo of the 2023 Latinx traineeship cohort, in graduation caps and gowns.
The School of Social Work is home to various clubs and affinity groups that allow students to connect with their peers and find their place in the social work community.

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Student support and resources

UW student studying with a laptop
Our Office of Student Services is dedicated to supporting our student body and provides various resources for personal and academic student success.

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Social Work Careers

Outdoor image of building on UW campus
Here at the School of Social Work, we provide students with the resources they need to navigate one of the fastest growing careers in the country.

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