Professional Development
Center for Teaching and Learning (CIDR)
Works with individuals (including international TA’s) and groups to enhance teaching. Provides consultation, workshops, library resources, and videotaping facilities.
Bagley 396, 206-543-6588,
Catalyst: Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology (CTLT)
Provides drop-in consultation, workshops, computer and other resources for faculty, lecturers and TA’s in the use of new technology in instruction. Online resources are available on the Catalyst website.
Odegaard Undergraduate Library 230, 206-616-8154,
Student Learning Outcomes
Information on designing and using student learning outcomes (SLO’s). Student learning outcomes are written statements that represent faculty and departmental learning goals for students. They can be written for individual courses or for academic majors and departments.
UW Libraries Resources for Teaching
Course preparation resource and links.
Office of Educational Assessment
Provides a variety of services:
- Assessment of curriculum design and educational outcomes
- Program evaluation to assess or improve your program’s effectiveness
- Research support including survey research & research using student records.
Case Teaching Resources: Evans School
The Electronic Hallway serves as an online repository of quality teaching cases and other curriculum materials for faculty who teach public administration, public policy, and related subjects. Cases are available in numerous policy areas; economic development, education, environment and land use, human services, international affairs, nonprofit, state and local government issues, utility and transit issues, and urban and regional issues.
UW Researcher’s Guide
Main UW website for all research related needs. Contains information and links for all grant/research related needs around submissions, grant life-cycle, human subjects, UW research offices, and federal grant links. Maintained by the Office of Research Information Services.
The Institute of Translational Health Science
The Institute of Translational Health Science (ITHS) supports translational research–research that improves human health by leading to discoveries that will eliminate human disease.
Center for Social Science Computation and Research
The Center for Social Science Computation and Research (CSSCR) is a computer resource center providing facilities and support for social science departments at the University of Washington. CSSCR facilities are restricted to use by students, faculty, and staff of the University of Washington.
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS)
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences started in 1999, with funding from the University Initiatives Fund. It is the first center in the nation devoted to this interface, with the triple mission of galvanizing collaborative research between social scientists and statisticians, developing a menu of new graduate courses for social science students, and putting together an innovative case-based undergraduate statistics sequence for the social sciences.
Research collaboration is fostered in a variety of ways, through seminars, seed grants, the consulting program, the working papers series, and the collaborative work of our core faculty. Our dynamic Seminar series meets on Wednesdays at 12:30pm in Savery 209 and is run by CSSS Seminar Director Katherine Stovel. This features a great deal of interaction and discussion, and is highly interdisciplinary in terms of both speakers and audience.
The Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research Group
The Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research Group at the University of Washington (IQRG) is a newly formed cooperating site of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM), based at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. Its purpose is to facilitate the production of sound interpretive research including qualitative, and ethnographic methods, as well as narrative and discourse analysis. The IQRG encourages and supports interdisciplinary exchange about qualitative research across the UW campus and in the community.
Grants & Funding Services for UW Graduate Students (GFIS)
Cooperative Project of the Graduate School and University of Washington Libraries to support UW graduate students who are seeking any type of general or research funding.
Human Subjects Division
HSD professional staff average over 7 years experience with human subjects research and are available to you for training and technical assistance.
Social Work Writing Consultant
Assists students with their writing skills. Contact:
NASW Press Author Guidelines
The NASW Press, a division of the National Association of Social Workers, has been publishing scholarly materials in social work since 1956. It is one of the major publishers in social work and social welfare, serving faculty, practitioners, agencies, libraries, clinicians, and researchers throughout the United States and abroad.
Publishing with the NASW Press is a rewarding professional experience. Editorial boards concentrate on making the peer review process as helpful to authors as possible. NASW Press applies rigorous standards and a strict practice of anonymity during the review process. Characterized by frequent citations and high visibility, our journals are recognized as some as the most prestigious in the human services. If your journal manuscript is accepted, you can expect high-quality professional editing and production.
Other Writing Resources from the NASW Press
- Encyclopedia of Social Work
- Social Work Dictionary
- Social Work Almanac
- Author’s Guide to Social Work Journals
- Professional Writing for the Human Services
- Social Work Reference Library on CD-ROM
Preparation for Post-Graduation Job Search in Social Work
Comprehensive outline for the Job Search Process: overall timeline, preparing for the search 2 years out, choosing the right opportunities for you, pre-selling yourself, interview process (start to finish including sample questions), negotiating an offer.
SSW Jobs and Volunteer Listserv.
University of Washington Center for Career Services
134 Mary Gates Hall
Monthly series of events: Workshops on job search, preparing teaching statements, dependable strengths.
Individual consultation available for career assistance, practice interviews.
Grad Student Career Listserv.
Leadership Institute for Tomorrow, UW Chapter
Career and Job Search Information: UW Employment Info
Graduate School: Mentoring Resources for Faculty and Students