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Brown C, Conner KO, Copeland VCarr, Grote N, Beach S, Battista D, Reynolds CF.  2010.  DEPRESSION STIGMA, RACE, AND TREATMENT SEEKING BEHAVIOR AND ATTITUDES.. J Community Psychol. 38(3):350-368.
Brown EC, Montero-Zamora P, Ortíz-Garcia J, Aviles K, Beaulieu D, Haggerty KP.  2022.  Development and implementation of Businesses That Care in Zacatecas, Mexico. Prevention Science. 23:663-673.
Brody GH, Beach SRH, Hill KG, Howe GW, Prado G, Fullerton SM.  2013.  Using genetically informed, randomized prevention trials to test etiological hypotheses about child and adolescent drug use and psychopathology.. Am J Public Health. 103 Suppl 1:S19-24.
Briney JS, Brown EC, Hawkins JD, Arthur MW.  2012.  Predictive validity of established cut points for risk and protective factor scales from the Communities That Care youth survey. J Prim Prev. 33(5-6):249-58.
Briney JS, Brown EC, Kuklinski MR, Oesterle S, Hawkins JD.  2017.  Testing the question-behavior effect of self-administered surveys measuring youth drug use. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61:743-746.
Brady SS, Parker CJ, Jeffries EF, Simpson TY, Brooke-Weiss BL, Haggerty KP.  2018.  Implementing the Communities That Care prevention system: Challenges, solutions, and opportunities in an urban setting. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 55:S70-S81.
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Blevins CE, Banes KE, Stephens RS, Walker DD, Roffman RA.  2016.  Motives for marijuana use among heavy-using high school students: An analysis of structure and utility of the Comprehensive Marijuana Motives Questionnaire.. Addict Behav. 57:42-7.
Blevins CE, Stephens RS, Walker DD, Roffman RA.  2014.  Situational determinants of use and treatment outcomes in marijuana dependent adults.. Addict Behav. 39(3):546-52.
Blevins CE, Banes KE, Stephens RS, Walker DD, Roffman RA.  2016.  A preliminary evaluation of synthetic cannabinoid use among adolescent cannabis users: Characteristics and treatment outcomes.. Addict Behav. 63:114-9.
Blevins CE, Banes KE, Walker DD, Stephens RS, Roffman RA.  2016.  The relationship between general causality orientation and treatment outcome among marijuana-dependent adults.. Addict Behav. 53:196-200.
Bishop AS, Hill KG, Gilman AB, Howell JC, Catalano RF, Hawkins JD.  2017.  Developmental pathways of youth gang membership: A structural test of the social development model. Journal of Crime and Justice. 40:275-296.
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Barkan SE, Salazar AM, Estep K, Mattos LM, Eichenlaub C, Haggerty KP.  2014.  Adapting an evidence based parenting program for child welfare involved teens and their caregivers.. Child Youth Serv Rev. 41:53-61.
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Bailey JA, Haggerty KP, White HR, Catalano RF.  2011.  Associations between changing developmental contexts and risky sexual behavior in the two years following high school.. Arch Sex Behav. 40(5):951-60.
Bailey JA, Hill KG, Guttmannova K, Epstein M, Abbott RD, Steeger CM, Skinner ML.  2016.  Associations between parental and grandparental marijuana use and child substance use norms in a prospective, three-generation study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 59:262-268.
Bailey JA, Epstein M, Catalano RF, McMorris BJ, Heerde JA, Clancy E, Rowland B, Toumbourou JW.  2021.  Longitudinal consequences of adolescent alcohol use under different policy contexts in Australia and the United States. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 82:377-386.
Bailey JA, Hill KG, Meacham MC, Young SE, Hawkins JD.  2011.  Strategies for characterizing complex phenotypes and environments: General and specific family environmental predictors of young adult tobacco dependence, alcohol use disorder, and co-occurring problems.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 118(2-3):444-51.
Bailey JA, Pandika D, Le VT, Epstein M, Steeger CM, J Hawkins D.  2023.  Testing cross-generational effects of the Raising Healthy Children intervention on young adult offspring of intervention participants. Prevention Science. 24(7):1376-1385.
Bailey JA, Epstein M, Roscoe JN, Oesterle S, Kosterman R, Hill KG.  2020.  Marijuana legalization and youth marijuana, alcohol, and cigarette use and norms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 59:309-316.
Bailey JA, Hill KG, Epstein M, Steeger CM, Hawkins JD.  2018.  Seattle Social Development Project – The Intergenerational Project (SSDP-TIP). Intergenerational continuity of criminal and antisocial behavior. An international overview of current studies. :186-206.