Saturday, November 18, 2017

The School of Social Work Auction Team raised more than $8,100 for student scholarships at its annual live auction on November 16, featuring Shira Rosen as its amazing auctioneer and paddle raiser. Pop-up shop artists—Madeline Galbraith, Kath Wilham, Kathryn Henne, Shana Ava, Melinda McCrae, Meg MacDonald, Bethany Robinson and Leanne Do—shared their creative gifts with the community, and BASW student Geetika Mukkamala provided expert henna-ing. The School's advancement team—April Johnson, Marzette Mondin, Katie Lamar and Nathan Bean—collected and processed all the contributions. Fundraiser extraordinaire, Tracy Harachi, lead a herd of elephants that raised close to $3,000 alone! 

The School of Social Work Auction Team for 2017 included Kath Wilham, Stan de Mello, Jen Kitajo, Marie Bolstad, Leshawn Dandridge, Rachel Wrenn, Tim Hunt, Brooks Callison, Aliyah Vinikoor and Shira Rosen with outstanding coordination from admissions director Jennifer Maglalang. The Dean’s Team and Staff Council sponsored the event and provided an amazing lunch. A very special thanks is extended to Dean Eddie and partner Michael for their generous support of the auction and kicking off our “Where’s Ele?” pledge drive and the live auction with a generous cash donation of $2,000. 

Thanks to everyone that raised their paddles, placed those competitive bids; donated, procured or purchased amazing goods and services; and nudged others to contribute!